Events Calendar

Upcoming events:

The calendar contains all planned events and ongoing, scheduled activities at the Centre. If you want any further information on any of the activities you can reach out to the event organizer or contact us at

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Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Annual General Meeting - July 16

As with many organisations, best intentions took second place to COVID for the past 2+ years. As a result of the lockdowns, the Executive Committee at the Centre has not been able to hold an AGM since the last one in 2019.  Now it's time to catch up. 

This year's AGM will be held at 11:00 AM on Saturday July 16. Come on out and hear what the Executive Committee has been up to over the past 2 years (all social distanced, of course), and plans for the future. As an added incentive, we are providing a free BBQ lunch afterwards. (But first you must attend the meeting!)

See you on the 16th!

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