Events Calendar

Upcoming events:

The calendar contains all planned events and ongoing, scheduled activities at the Centre. If you want any further information on any of the activities you can reach out to the event organizer or contact us at

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Thursday, April 18, 2024

Live 'n Learn - 911 presentation

Today, a group of 20 or so White Lakers convened at the DWLC for our latest Live 'n Learn session.

After a delicious lunch (shout out to all who prepared and served up the meal) Jacqueline Cairns took centre stage to tell us about her life as a 911 call taker/dispatcher with the Ottawa Police Service.

Her passion for the job, even after a 33-year career, was obvious to those who attended. She shared many personal stories, along with a very detailed description of the processes that come into play once a 911 call is initiated. She ably described the job, its stresses, and the characteristics of a good call taker/dispatcher (being a type "A" personality is a good start).

It's fair to say that the audience left the session with a much better understanding of what happens behind the scenes, as well as the important functions the 911 call takers and dispatchers provide in helping to keep the public, and the attending officers, safe and secure in what are usually very stressful situations. 

Thank you Jacqueline for a most informative and interesting session.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Live 'n Learn - Behind the scenes at 911

So you place a call to 911. Then what happens?

Well, our very own Jacqueline Cairns will tell us all about it on April 18.

Jacqueline will share her experience and insights gained over her 33 years working on the front lines as a civilian member with first the Nepean Police and later the Ottawa Police Service. Although the focus of her presentation will be based on the many years she worked in Dispatch/911, Jacqueline also spent several years in Drugs and Intelligence, and another few years in Sexual Assault and Child Abuse.

Lunch will be served at 12 noon, to be followed by what will be a most interesting presentation. See flyer for details.