Events Calendar

Upcoming events:

The calendar contains all planned events and ongoing, scheduled activities at the Centre. If you want any further information on any of the activities you can reach out to the event organizer or contact us at

NOTE: If you are unable to view the calendar, and are using the Safari browser, try another browser such as Google. If that still doesn't work, please let us know.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

New Sign

Some of you may have noticed a new sign out in front of the Centre advertising Storm Internet services.  

Back in 2020 we reached out to Storm to provide internet service to the Centre for use by the attending public. As part of their community outreach initiative, Storm agreed to supply the service at no charge in return for which we would allow advertising signage on the premises. A small indoor sign was posted right away, but the outdoor sign installation was delayed by COVID.  That installation has now been completed.

Having internet access has been critical to many of the functions and activities at the Centre, and we thank Storm Internet for their ongoing support and commitment to community. 

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to all from the DWLC Executive Committee and all the volunteers who host and run the various events at the Centre for your enjoyment.