Events Calendar

Upcoming events:

The calendar contains all planned events and ongoing, scheduled activities at the Centre. If you want any further information on any of the activities you can reach out to the event organizer or contact us at

NOTE: If you are unable to view the calendar, and are using the Safari browser, try another browser such as Google. If that still doesn't work, please let us know.

Friday, September 30, 2022

Lending library/book exchange

Did you know that the Centre has a lending library/book exchange?

Tucked away in the back corner of the Centre you'll find a couple of bookshelves stocked with approximately 300 books. The collection is predominantly fiction (mysteries, thrillers, drama) but also includes some non-fiction or true stories. The collection changes over time as well-read volumes are removed to make room for new books that have been donated, or acquired through used book sales. 

There is no charge to borrow any book; we only ask that it be returned to be enjoyed by others. And we are always on the lookout for new material, so if you are clearing space on your own shelves consider donating your used books to us. (Please, no magazines or text books.)

The library is 'open' whenever the Centre is open for an event. So if you're coming to coffee hub, Friday darts, yoga, or any other of the various activities, stop and take a look; you might find a great read (or two) sitting there on the shelves, just waiting for you.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Planting daffodils

The DWLC received a number of donations in memory of Jim Sinclair, a long-time and avid supporter of the Centre. The Committee decided to recognise Jim's many contributions over the years by using some of that money to further beautify the grounds in his name. 

So when Larry showed up with 200 daffodil bulbs, it was time for our dedicated gardeners to get to work. 

Now we wait for spring blossoms.

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Knitter-Knatter starting back up


"Get ready to dust off your knitting or needlework projects, we are beginning our  meetings again."

Weekly meetings of the Knitter-Knatter group will start again on Tuesday, October 4, 2022. The group meets at the Centre from 1PM to 3PM. The cost is $2 per person per meeting.

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, this is a chance to share, learn, and socialise with a friendly, helpful group of like-minded craftspeople.

Just contact Eloise Kelly at 613 623 6703 to register or for more information.

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

All Candidates Meeting

The White Lake Property Owners are hosting an all-candidates meeting at the Centre on October 1. 

The WLPOA invites you to an all-candidates meeting for the Municipal Election candidates in Lanark Highlands. Candidates for Reeve, Deputy Reeve and Ward 2 counsellor have confirmed they will be attending. 

DATE: Saturday October 1st TIME: 10:00 a.m. - approx. 11:30 a.m. Doors open at 9:45 a.m. 


COVID PROTOCOLS: Due the prevalence of Covid circulating at this time and our inability to fully allow for proper social distancing we are requesting that everyone mask. Thank you for willingly protecting vulnerable members of our community. 

FORMAT: Candidates will have time to introduce themselves and present their interests and the platform they plan to bring to their work on council. Members of the audience will then be able to ask questions of any candidate. We encourage voters to ask follow up questions if the candidate side steps or avoids directly asking questions. By all means share this with your neighbours and encourage them to attend. This election is crucial to White Lake residents.

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

New singing group at the Centre

It's that time of year again when fall/winter activities at the Centre begin to ramp up. The latest new addition to the growing list of activities is a singing/social group meeting every second week beginning September 21. 

See the following message from Claire Martel for more info regarding the group and how to sign up. 


 Hello everyone, 

A new singing group is being organized and will be part of the activities offered at the Community Centre. The White Lake Warblers are planning to meet every second week at the Community Centre, 236 Cedar Cove Road, on Wednesday night from 7 to 8 pm starting on Sep 21st. The cost, as charged by the centre for the use of the facility, is $2 per person per session. 

 The event is looked at as a casual social gathering where we happen to sing. You do not need to read music, or to sing well, you don’t need to commit to come to all sessions, although we will be delighted if you do. What you need is the desire to have fun, as simple as that! 

We will start with using instrumental tracks from YouTube while the search continues to find an accompanist. Please contact me if you think you can help in that capacity. 

For the first gathering, Sue and I will choose the songs, we will be looking for suggestions for future sessions. Information will be shared via emails including links to lyrics and to songs, it will be up to you if you would like to print lyrics or read them from your phone or tablet if needed. Take note that internet access is available at the community centre. 

Regarding Covid, we will discuss the best approach at our first session, we encourage physical distancing due to the nature of the activity. You are invited to email me at should you intend to participate as it would help with the room set up. If you already expressed your interest, there is no need to re-confirm. 

Hope to see many of you soon! 

 Claire Martel, Administrator & Sue Munro, Leader