Events Calendar

Upcoming events:

The calendar contains all planned events and ongoing, scheduled activities at the Centre. If you want any further information on any of the activities you can reach out to the event organizer or contact us at

NOTE: If you are unable to view the calendar, and are using the Safari browser, try another browser such as Google. If that still doesn't work, please let us know.

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Save the Date!

The White Lake Property Owners Association ( will be hosting their annual Merry Mingle at the Centre on December 10. Stay tuned for more details as they come available, or follow the WLPO on Facebook at

Friday, November 3, 2023

Everything you wanted to know about sleep

After a lengthy COVID-induced delay, Live 'n Learn is back. The first session, held yesterday (Thursday), featured an excellent presentation by Melissa Gourley of the Renfrew Victoria Hospital's Sleep Disorder Clinic. 

The event began with a hearty lunch (thanks to all who contributed!), followed by Melissa who spent an hour and a half talking to a very attentive audience about sleep disorders, symptoms, long-term health impacts, and so on. Even in the hour after lunch (prime nap time for us seniors) no one was nodding off as Melissa shared her expertise on a very complex and poorly understood subject, and answered a variety of questions from the audience.

All in all a very interesting and informative session.

Thanks to Melissa for coming out, and a special thanks to Brenda Guiney for arranging her visit. 

And if you have any ideas for future Live 'n Learn events please let us know.