Well those crafty White Lakers were at it again last week, with Debbie King organising a session to make these cute seasonal decorations. Great work everyone!
Events Calendar
Upcoming events:
The calendar contains all planned events and ongoing, scheduled activities at the Centre. If you want any further information on any of the activities you can reach out to the event organizer or contact us at
Monday, December 11, 2023
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
President's report
Following text is the President's Report for 2023.
President’s Report - 2023
It’s great to be back.
With the pandemic lockdowns now in the past, 2023 saw your Centre back up and running. Many of the popular activities have returned to the Centre; Yoga, Knitter-Knatters, Crafts, Coffee Hub, Friday Darts, and our Take-a-Book-Leave-a-Book library is being well used by readers of all interests. And Live ‘n Learn returned in November with a very informative session on sleep apnea, with more to come. However, volunteers are still being sought to organize/assist with Euchre, Cribbage, Movie Nites and the monthly Birthday Breakfasts.
There were several major events held during the year. February’s Pancake Breakfast was the first post-COVID event to welcome many community members back to the Centre. In June, the Strawberry Social was a great success drawing over 100 people and raising $877 for the Ukraine Relief Fund. Along with the August Corn Roast, these events brought neighbours and friends together for the first time, in some cases, in years.
Financially, the Centre is in a good position. We were able to weather the lockdown and associated lack of income by having a healthy cash position prior to 2021 and with the assistance of Township and Provincial grants. On an ongoing basis, the annual Township Grant covers approximately half of our operating expenses with rentals and participation fees covering the rest.
Our Centre was the host for the first luncheon meeting of the HNN (Highlands North Network), a grass-roots organization that represents community halls in the township. At this point I must mention how all of the other representatives were amazed by our Centre; new, clean, efficient and accessible. Discussions will continue on how best to leverage and share the capabilities of all our respective centres for the betterment of our communities.
All the aforementioned activities are the result of hard, sometimes thankless work done by volunteers, your neighbours and friends. On behalf of the Executive Committee I thank and applaud all of you. More volunteers and their ideas are always welcome. This is your community centre. Please use it.
The Committee would like to thank Nancy Burrows for her service to the community over several years as a Committee member and for doing the advertising posters for the many events. The Committee would also like to welcome Jacqueline Cairns (no relation) who brings her organizing talents to the team.
On a sadder note, I would like to acknowledge the passing of long-time board members and community supporters, Elaine Pasch, Brian Roberts and Angus Davidson.
We are all looking forward to 2024.
On behalf of the Committee, I wish you all the best of the holiday season, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Brian Cairns