Living in the country there are a number of indicators that spring has sprung, as the old ditty goes. Of course there's the first robin, the ice pulling away from the shore, and dismounting the snowblower from the tractor. Sadly, there's also the emergence of beer cans, Timmy's cups, and other detritus deposited in our ditches by the more inconsiderate who share our roads.
But there's always a group of responsible volunteers willing to pick up after these clods. The White Lake Property Owners (WLPOA) is planning an Earth Day cleanup on April 20. All the details are not yet available, but it will likely be run out of the DWLC parking lot and be followed by an appreciation BBQ.
It's actually a fun day as pickers vie for bragging rights for the best/worst/most/ugliest trash recovered, and get to socialize with neighbours after a long winter. And free food is never a bad thing. So mark your calendars and stay tuned.