Events Calendar

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Friday, May 31, 2024

Live 'n Learn - The Castleton Massacre

On May 30, The Castleton Massacre - Survivors’ Stories of the Killins Femicide was presented by authors Sharon Cook and Margaret Carson, the only female survivor of the massacre. 

What started as a trip to Newfoundland began a 2 year process of writing this book. The authors were encouraged by Sharon’s son and daughter-in-law (Tim and Sarah Cook) to write the book so that they could still capture the oral histories before people had passed away. The book was a top 100 non-fiction choice by the Globe and Mail 2022, Finalist for Crime Writers in Canada 2023, and the winner of the Alison Prentice Ontario Historical Society for the best book on women’s history 2023. 

More than 30 attendees were captivated for over 2 hours during the presentation and the question and answer session. We are also pleased to announce that the event generated proceeds of $450 which is being donated to the Lanark County Interval House. A number of smaller items were collected as well.

At DWLC we enjoy good community support for our events, which sometimes allows us to make donations to important, and necessary, local charities. For example, over the past few years (except during COVID) we have been able to contribute more than $2500 to charities that serve our community, including Interval House, local hospices, and other worthy endeavours. So, in a very direct way, your support of Centre activities and events can have far-reaching impacts in addition to being just plain fun to participate in and enjoy.

So, on behalf of all those charities, past, present, and future, thank you for your continuing support.

But back to this event, a huge Thank You to Karen Cairns and her team for organizing and hosting, and especially to Margaret and Sharon for taking the time to share their story with us.

 Sharon Cook (l) and  Margaret Carson (r)

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