Events Calendar

Upcoming events:

The calendar contains all planned events and ongoing, scheduled activities at the Centre. If you want any further information on any of the activities you can reach out to the event organizer or contact us at

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Saturday, October 28, 2023

Family gatherings

How many times have you thought about getting the extended family together for a Christmas or Thanksgiving dinner, a special birthday or anniversary, or simply because it's been a while, only to dismiss the idea out-of-hand because you simply can't seat that many people around your dining table?

Why not consider renting the Darling White Lake Centre for those family gatherings? More and more of your neighbours are doing precisely that, and to rave reviews. For a modest fee (see Rentals in the sidebar) you get access to a large facility for meeting and dining as well as a modern, fully equipped kitchen to prepare and serve a meal. There's plenty of parking and lots of safe space outside for the kiddies to play while the adults socialize. And, best of all, you don't have to worry about Cousin Fred twice-removed liberating the silverware, your 5-year-old granddaughter knocking over that priceless Ming vase as she chases the cat down the hall, or spic-n-spanning every room in the house because you know Aunt Mabel will be snooping and reporting.

Of course you are still required to clean up the space after your event.

If you are considering such an event and have questions not answered in the Rentals sidebar, you can reach out to us at, and we'll be happy to assist. Please include a phone number where you can be reached in case of an e-mail failure.

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